

The Marxists’ Private Army

The CPM denies it, but out in the wilderness there is evidence that the party is raising a militia armed to the teeth. “No guns in photos,” were the handlers’ orders to us

New Bee in India’s Bonnet

It’s one of the most audacious auditing attempts on earth, putting nature on the balance sheet. Pavan Sukhdev, head of the UN Green Economy Initiative in Nagoya talks about India’s move towards a natural wealth economy

Parody Central

What Obama has done to America is visible in what its comedians are saying. Take, for example, two avowedly apolitical rallies recently held in the US capital

Life in a Sugar Sac

As diabetes during pregnancy imperils more and more babies in Indian wombs, doctors pledge an all-out effort to return life to normalcy

Killing Them with Kindness

Animal welfare is not conservation. That is why our emotional meddling, however well intentioned, poses a menace to wildlife

A Politician’s Guide to Fate-tampering

The Maharashtra Chief Minister recently changed his name from Ashok to Ashokrao to bring himself luck. He’s not the only politician trying to manipulate his destiny using numbers, gemstones and crystal turtles

Bad News from Below

The crumbling Metro Rail of Kolkata is hurting Mamata Banerjee’s image in the state

Memories of Another Visit

Between the Clinton and Obama visits, US perceptions of Indian security haven’t changed

What to Expect When You are Expecting Obama

Preparations for Barack Obama’s impending visit are in full swing, though shrouded in secrecy

Persecuted in Pakistan

Forced to flee by the Taliban, they remain haplessly homeless in a country where space for minorities has shrunk alarmingly


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