

Kashmir: The Cost of a Statement

The architect of the BJP-PDP alliance in Kashmir has been sacked. Will it affect the partnership?

War Sirens over Steel

The impact on India of Trump's trade salvo

The Sins of the Son

As evidence mounts against his son Karti in multiple scams, P Chidambaram faces his biggest battle yet

Back to the Scorched Earth

A group of Tamil farmers made national headlines one year ago by kicking off a series of absurd protests in Delhi. V Shoba meets key characters from the landmark agitation who are back in their villages battling an unending farm crisis

Global Warning

The fabled land of sweet waters is on the verge of dehydration. Aditya Iyer in Cape Town captures the mood before Day Zero

‘Red Flags Suddenly Disappeared’

Signs of BJP storming this CPM citadel had been in the air several weeks ago

A Political Dawn in the Northeast

Organizational works pays off for the BJP

Jayendra Saraswati: The Saint Destigmatised

Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati (1935-2018) chose a different path

The Elegance of Struggle

A token of traditional exotica


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