

One Morning in Delhi…

Random encounters, with heritage Delhi as a backdrop, are glimpses of life stories told by the instinctive lens

An Embarrassment of Saffron Riches

The famous Reddy brothers and other worthies of oversized reputations make the mining district of Ballari a site of titanic clashes

Zimbabwe: The Day After the Dictator

The liberator-turned-tyrant has fallen, the streets erupt to celebrate, and the breakaway dissenters take over. Freedom is still uncertain in Zimbabwe. From #OpenArchive

Parameswaran Iyer: A Clean Man

Parameswaran Iyer, the officer behind the Swachh Bharat mission, promises an India free of open defecation by October 2019

Judiciary: Saving the Institution

In rejecting the petition to remove the Chief Justice of India, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu has helped fortify the independence of the higher judiciary

Super Bullish on Healthcare

As investors fight over Fortis, doctors worry about reckless enrollment

Swami Aseemanand: Myth of the Monk Who Preached Terror

Swami Aseemanand’s acquittal brings to an end the cries over saffron jihad

Flypaper Colonialism

China’s massive investments in South Asia pose a huge geopolitical challenge to India

Leonardo Pucci: Alone Together

Leonardo Pucci’s photographs pay homage to urban loneliness


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