

Dented Trump

Hillary Clinton may have a slight advantage now but in its month-long denouement, the US presidential election is too close to call

Fall of the Professional Politician

What unites Trump, Modi, Boris and Corbyn?

Kashmir: An Uneasy Jewel in the Indian Crown

Kashmir and the fallacy of the secularism argument

The Last Days of Death

The looming struggle for eternal youth

The War on Burkini

The fear of foreigners within in the age of radical Islamism

It’s Complicated

The Constitution tries to do too much. It needs to be made to do less

Bengal De-Westernised

The counter-revolution of Mamata Banerjee

The Freedom Issue 2016: Editor’s Note

Cow jihad, Kashmir, Modi and the freedom of arguments

Independence of the Mind

When We Are Looters at the Site of History


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