
Cover Story

A Divide That Isn’t

The North vs South rhetoric masks the ongoing de-Hinduisation beyond the Vindhyas

The Unravelling

The Congress humiliation takes a toll on I.N.D.I.A.’s electoral viability

Mind the (Credibility) Gap

Congress faces its severest test after a resounding no to its populist pitch

The Men and the Machine

Helped by its election apparatus to come back from behind in three heartland states, an energised BJP can now provide a perfect launchpad for Modi’s bid for a third term

The Modi Coalition

Conventional social barriers have been broken to forge an alliance from below

The Enduring Modi Spell

India’s trust in the Prime Minister multiplies even as his detractors sink deeper in denial

Redeeming the Redeemer Cult

The persistence of Narendra Modi as democracy's most compelling story

XLRI Jamshedpur: Ethics Matters

Striking a fine balance between values and integrity and success

India’s Top B-Schools 2024

The Open-Ascension Centre for Research and Analytics (ACRA) study ranks India’s B-schools on six vital parameters and a unique distance-to-frontier benchmark that shows how far an institute is from the leading business school


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