
Cover Story

In Memory of the Three Million

A national monument to the victims of the 1943 Bengal Famine can enshrine cooperative federalism

Arms and the Emperor

The afterlife of Shivaji’s weapons

A New Deal for Dalits

Towards a fairer reservation model

Let the Centre Hold

Striving for an ideal political position

Arc of Anarchy

What 21st-century India can learn from Chauri Chaura

Radical Departures

How the shifting views of Tilak, Iqbal, Jinnah and Savarkar changed national destiny


A celebration in verse

The Awakening

Few societies take more joy in freedom than contemporary India, but we did not get here by accident

India and the Two Wings of Pakistan

Is there something in our DNA that makes our sense of freedom and democracy more enduring

Rites of Freedom

It takes a country like India, in its 78th year of Independence, to turn the arguments of freedom into a national urgency for change—without hurting democracy


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