
Book Reviews

Mapping the Nation

Medha Dutta Yadav

A behind-the-scenes account of the creation of India’s states and Union Territories

The Origin Story of India’s States
Venkataraghavan Subha Srinivasan
Diary of an Italian Artist in India: Synchrony of Opposites /
Diary of an Italian Artist in India: Synchrony of Opposites
Simona Bocchi
Eat, Love, Sculpt

An Italian artist travels across timeframes and cultures in the East

The Forty-Year War in Afghanistan: A Chronicle Foretold /
The Forty-Year War in Afghanistan: A Chronicle Foretold
Tariq Ali
Dateline History

Tariq Ali reports from the fault lines of Afghanistan to make sense of its current trauma

Nehru: The Debates That Defined India /
Nehru: The Debates That Defined India
Tripurdaman Singh and Adeel Hussain
Nehru: The Idealist and the Realist

The seamless contradictions of Jawaharlal Nehru

God: An Anatomy /
God: An Anatomy
Francesca Stavrakopoulou
The Shape of God

An anatomical study of the Biblical God makes the divine intimately human

A Venetian at The Mughal Court: The Life and Adventures of Nicolò Manucci  /
A Venetian at The Mughal Court: The Life and Adventures of Nicolò Manucci
Marco Moneta | Translated by Elisabetta Gnecchi Ruscone
The Diplomat Doctor

The Venetian who chronicled the Mughal Empire

Radiant Fugitives /
Radiant Fugitives
Nawaaz Ahmed
Remorse and Reconciliation

A queer-themed novel about immigrants, spanning Chennai to San Francisco

The Unforgiving City and Other Stories /
The Unforgiving City and Other Stories
Vasudhendra | Translated by Mysore Nataraja
From Bellary and Bangalore

Kannada author Vasudhendra’s short stories about city and village life are rife with cynicism and social satire

1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows /
1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows
Ai Weiwei
The Sublime Subversion of Ai Weiwei

Reading his memoir 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows at a time when China's new helmsman threatens the world

Dust of the Caravan /
Dust of the Caravan
Anis Kidwai | Translated by Ayesha Kidwai
Awadh Despatches

The personal and political journey of a Muslim woman through India’s freedom struggle and beyond


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