Censorship in liberal democracies has shifted from policing the entire terrain of representation to policing boundaries
Nawazuddin Siddiqui, the poster boy of indie cinema, plays his most unnerving role to date
Independent music companies are putting the artist first and the moolah second to get musicians and listeners a better deal
A recent storm raised in a teacup points to contemporary India’s uneasy relationship with a culture of reviewing
For those who have missed the Nagesh Kukunoor brand of cinema, Dhanak feels like a homecoming
Udta Punjab gives you the reality of the north Indian state and not the mythic idea of it that pervades cinema and advertising
Achyut Lahkar who died recently will be remembered for creating plays that smelt of Assam and which brought the magic of cinema onto the stage
Colour, class and tradition in a vase. The meditations of a flower girl
The stand-up comic who turns his own life into a laughing matter
We want a symphony on a plate but there aren’t many chefs who can deliver