

The Genie that Doesn’t Get Rebottled

Madhavankutty Pillai

A first step to address the risk from Artificial Intelligence has been taken but it might be already too late

Musk Mystique

A new biography of the world’s richest man portrays a genius who is also a deeply flawed human being

When Parashurama Wields the Axe

The winners and losers in a battle like no other

USB-C: Connecting Point

With the latest iPhone, the dream of one cable linking all devices is becoming a reality

Dealing with Overtourism

Is international travel an indulgence or an education?

Words Apart

Does multimedia add to reading?

Vision Pro: Eye Opener

Apple’s wearable headset will revolutionise the nature of work and entertainment

Surfing the Frontier Tech Wave with Policy Life Vest

This revolution should be harnessed by India and the world for the prosperity

How to Preempt Responsibility

The curious desire to regulate artificial intelligence by companies pioneering it

Anxiety to Stay Relevant

The pressures of keeping up in an ever-changing world


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