

A Prayer to Devi

Bibek Debroy

When Himalaya wanted a daughter

The Divine Armour

The Trailokya-vijaya prayer is a weapon and a protective shield

Rewards of Devotion

Making a pledge that only Shiva can fulfil

The Divine Mango

It is more than a delicious fruit, for it is sacred, even a goddess

Mountains of the Mind

Exploring the mysteries of faith and fate

Winning Shiva’s Affection

Sage advice for a true devotee

Bhasha Chakrabarti: Body Worship

The spiritual and the sensuous become one on the canvas of Indian-American artist Bhasha Chakrabarti

The Power of Prayer

How devotees can benefit from the Panchakshara mantra

The Omniscient One

Shiva’s mantra has every possible meaning

The Original Instructor

Why Shiva remains alone despite his many meanings


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