Aresh Shirali
A for assets, B for blue-chips, C for cashflows… Going by these guides, personal investment is kid’s play
Money makes him uncomfortable, so Vinod Sreedhar refuses to charge for his workshops. He accepts whatever people want to pay. He trusts the universe to provide for him. Here he is, in his own words
“Some of those who drive luxury cars have no respect for smaller vehicles. I often give them torn notes to teach them a lesson.”
It’s money that is noiselessly and forcefully reshaping Indian business. Some $10 billion is set to come in this year, making India one of its hottest destinations.
Typical investor behaviour is at the two extremes of either doing nothing or trying too much. And it’s hard to avoid these extremes unless you know what constitutes just enough. A primer
How the glory of wearing the India cap is rapidly being eclipsed by the greed for big bucks in slambang leagues.
A meditation on why we Indians constantly sniff each other for clues of status, much like dogs in a park to figure out who’s on top.