
Mehbooba Mufti

BJP’s Mission Kashmir

Rahul Pandita

The Lok Sabha polls in the Union territory are just the means to achieve a favourable condition in the proposed Assembly election

Separation in Srinagar

Withdrawal from the alliance could give BJP control of the J&K story for 2019

Kashmir: The Cost of a Statement

The architect of the BJP-PDP alliance in Kashmir has been sacked. Will it affect the partnership?

Fire and Ice in Kashmir

As the LoC flares up, the Valley calms down

Mufti Mohammad Sayeed: A Life In Full

The late bloomer Mufti Mohammad Sayeed (1936–2016) leaves behind a legacy of reconciliation. Make use of it


A grand PDP-BJP coalition in the state could bridge the divide between the Valley’s Muslims and the Jammu region’s Hindu majority



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