

Under Western Eyes

How to counter a civilisational subversion

Jon Fosse: Master of Mystic Realism

The Norwegian author wins the Nobel Prize in literature for his linguistic inventiveness

History as Palimpsest

Over one hundred scholars map the origins and evolution of India

KR Meera: Write and Subvert

KR Meera’s new novel opens with an attempted murder. The author speaks about the trigger of the plot, the pains of writing and the importance of truth telling

The Free Fall of Leaves

The poet who has discovered the syntax of liberation

Young at Heart

Exploring the eternal inner child through art and literature

Moore’s Second Coming

Alan Moore’s first collection of short stories is a deconstruction of the American comics industry. The iconic comic book writer in conversation with

Annie Ernaux: The Master Memoirist

For Annie Enraux, the new Nobel laureate in literature, the family narrative carries the biggest social story


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