
Kamala Harris

The Great American Comeback

Siddharth Singh

Will a second Trump presidency restore the US’ economic health and bring relief to the world?

Kamala Harris’ Travails: A Two Act Play

Donald Trump will probably be the only one to take the bow when the play ends

An American Referendum

Trump is the axis as well as the argument in the narrative war of America

Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall

Trump and Harris spare no trick to catch the last voter

US Presidential Elections

It has exercised a major hold on the global imagination

Stars and Strides

Trump and Harris are boring without an Elon Musk or a Liz Cheney

The Pennsylvania Swing

Why are all eyes on this one state?

Passing the Logic Test

Non sequitur and reductio ad absurdum in Trump-Harris face-off

A Sellout Slugfest

There will be few fence-sitters come November 5

Talking Point

In a debate, who wins is not as important as the perception of who wins


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