Ravi Joshi
A spymaster tells the Kashmir story through his own life
Hindutva and Swaraj X
The new liberal voices that speak of a different freedom in Kashmir
The dismantling of an Islamic state module in Kashmir reveals how its handlers were planning to integrate recruitment across the Indian Subcontinent
Why security forces may find it hard to stop minority killings
What lies behind the spate of minority killings in the Valley
From Islam to jihad to portraits of the mastermind, a select 9/11 bibliography
What the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan means for terrorism in India
Why the war on terror is failing
How come in none of the 50-odd Islamic countries there is internal peace?
Minhaz Merchant
PR Ramesh
Rosalyn D’Mello
Kaveree Bamzai
Lhendup G Bhutia
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