
Indian politics

Three Gandhis

Virendra Kapoor

To fawn over in Parliament

Modi’s Message

Key ministries connected to reforms, trade and infrastructure will be with BJP nominees and under the close supervision of the PMO

Born To Survive

In politics, with the right surname, there is no permanent wilderness

The Art of Winning a Defeat

Congress has a long way to go before it becomes a natural alternative to BJP

The Persistence of an Idea Called Modi

In ten years he has doubled and trebled the pride in being Indian

The Assault of the Caveat

Why they can't come to terms with Modi's conviction politics

Congress Crisis In Delhi

Now BJP is well-poised to repeat its sweep of all seven seats in the capital

Election Almanac

A handy reference to Indian electoral history and beyond-the-ballot events

Ajit Pawar Stakes His Claim

Ajit Pawar left no one in doubt that the political fight with his uncle Sharad Pawar was for real

The Second Republic

Can a Hindu Rashtra be a pluralistic nation?


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