

The Limits of Ideology

MJ Akbar

How capitalism works with a socialist nomenclature

The Secular Pretence

Why didn’t Nehru codify Muslim personal law?

Now the De-Awokening

This culture war is a historic event because it is led by the world’s most powerful office

Trump Unbound

Four power motifs from the new America 

Mythmaking In Life and Death

When mourning becomes a political rite 

RSS At 100

Keeping the Parivar and the Party separate for the sake of the nation

Editor’s Note

India's story is too big to be left to rejectionists or cheerleaders


Modernisation with a cultural accent is a national project further validated by the India of 2024

Temple of Hope

Humanism is the only religion at the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi

Russia’s Prisoner

We read Alexei Navalny's Patriot at a time when the word has become an ideological marker


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