
identity politics

AMU: Little Biographies

Shaan Kashyap

In Maheshwaris’ account, the history of AMU reads like a tragedy

Sanatana Dharma has suffered worse attacks and survived because of its resilience

Critics who know should be taken seriously. The ignorant can keep tilting at the windmills

The Hindu term for Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma

The time has come for us to recognise that the word we have been using for our tradition, Hinduism, is not a Hindu word

Why Did the Government Relent?

The threat posed by identity politics to India’s toughest economic reform appears to have influenced the government in taking a decision in the national interest

Questions of Identity

What does Islam mean to Indians, Muslim and non-Muslim

The New Theology of Victimhood

When the Directorate of Sensitivity steps in


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