

The Meem Tightrope

Rahul Pandita

How best can Congress accommodate the Muslim question?

The Man and the Mystique

Modi has psychologically liberated Hindus just as Gandhi had freed the Indian mind

Nationalist As Revolutionary

Redeeming Savarkar from polemics and hagiography

The Great Disconnect

Rahul Gandhi leads a Congress so bereft of ideas that it is banking on a divisive manifesto couched in the language of diversity and inclusion

Hindutva with a Difference

How BJP can cross the cultural and ideological barriers in the south

Why Hindutva Needs Gandhi

A useful guide for Hindu-Muslim reconciliation

Vajpayee’s Balancing Act

Primary sources highlight the political and personal life of India’s first BJP prime minister

The House Modi Built

The new parliament connects the seat of Indian democracy with the country’s ancient traditions

Hindu High

Reclaiming the nation with Narendra Modi


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