

Sexuality of Fashion

Chinki Sinha

At the recent Amazon India Fashion Week, almost everything was tagged as “androgynous” because for some time now, it has become a fad, and if women didn’t strut around in men’s clothing, they were not cool


The colour, connoisseurs and trend-breakers at the fashion week

Marriage Maestros

India’s famous big fat wedding now demands high end innovation. These are the people who make it happen

Haute Baby Couture

There is a sartorial baby boom and designers are living up to it

Nine yards of nostalgia

Designers strike a stunning balance between tradition and modernity as the sari becomes the newest style statement

The age of the Sari Bikini

It could say a lot about what Indian women think is their best asset

The Modi hotness quotient

On the sex appeal of the man with the fabled 56-inch chest

Fashion without a design

The potential and possibilities of a multi-million industry the next government can’t overlook

It’s the Size, Stupid!

Why Indian models don’t walk on international ramps

The Cult of Zara

How a Spanish high-street brand changed the way affluent Indians shop—and dress


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