

Rimzim Dadu: Narrative Thread

Sohini Dey

From steel wire saris to miniskirts with baroque motifs, Rimzim Dadu is experimenting to achieve an aesthetics of her own

Title Rolls

With title sequences becoming more visually inventive, motion designers reveal the value of their craft

Production Designers: Scene Sealers

They give form to a filmmaker’s vision, yet they toil in relative anonymity. The production designers of Bollywood have proved their genius in recent films

Nine yards of nostalgia

Designers strike a stunning balance between tradition and modernity as the sari becomes the newest style statement

Death of Ms Supermodel

Nobody could fully explain why she was special, but she was. Once. It was clear she was more than just a pretty face. Alas, that was the last we saw of her. A report from her funeral

Gritty Gloss

Indian fashion photography is not just about good looks anymore. Getting down and dirty is in vogue


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