

Pervez Musharraf: An end with a whimper and not a bang

Author of the failed Kargil adventure, Pervez Musharraf’s death in exile is an unremarkable end for an ambitious general who hoped for glory as a military leader and Pakistan’s president

BV Doshi (1927-2023): Master of the Space

The architect was able to reflect, renew and reorient himself over time

The Case for a Good Death

India never goes far enough with euthanasia

The Mark of Motherhood

Heeraba Modi was extraordinary in her simplicity, resilience and capacity for love

Pelé (1940-2022): Football After the King

Despite his individual genius, Pelé was the archetype of the team player

Dominique Lapierre (1931-2022): Kolkata’s Adopted Son

The French author’s book on the city’s poverty also showed the resilience of its people

Dominique Lapierre (1931-2022): Kolkata’s Adopted Son

Few authors are as synonymous with a city as French author Dominique Lapierre was with Kolkata

Ela Bhatt (1933-2022): Empowering Woman

She will long be remembered for her efforts to promote women’s welfare

Ian Jack (1945-2022): Memory Man

India had changed the direction of a life spent in the pursuit of things as they were before


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