Shylashri Shankar
Of ominous countryside and Machiavellian mandarins
Three thrillers reveal the emotional cost of coping with killers
The characters in Kohrra treasure their secrets more than their families
Can serial killers make a moral point?
Detectives with cool, rational minds who need to see justice done
Why and at what age should children, not yet fit to get a driving licence, be exposed to the cellphone revolution?
The possibilities and limits of AI-authored thrillers
Atiq Ahmed’s death is a wake-up call for those who supported him
The killing of the gangster-politician and his brother is unlikely to affect Uttar Pradesh’s improved law and order
A father’s search for his daughter’s killer
Minhaz Merchant
Bose Krishnamachari
Rajeev Deshpande
Kaveree Bamzai
Shaan Kashyap
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