

Betting on the Future

Rajeev Deshpande

A week after the pilgrim belt of Mathura-Vrindavan voted on April 26, public opinion indicates the Modi-Yogi model has prevailed over local discontents and trumped a disorganised opposition, reports

For the Love of the Taj

Is the revisionist appraisal of the country’s most celebrated monument dislodging it from its cultural perch?

Abdul Karim: On Her Majesty’s Service

In the court of Queen Victoria, Abdul Karim from Agra was more than an attendant

Of Conversion and Reversion

The religious dichotomies that explain the Hindus’ homecoming

Feel Like a Million Dollars

The spa treatment costs are small change if you won’t blink at paying Rs 1,25,000/night for the Presidential Suite here


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