As he sets the record for the highest number of cricket Tests ever played, everything that should be said has been said.
Attacking, Aggressive, Acceleration, Ambidexterous, Accumulator, Ace, Aesthetic, Ambition, Anticipation, Apnalaya, Aura, Audemars Piguet, April 24, Azad Maidan, Auckland, “Achrekar Used To Place One-Rupee Coins On Top Of The Stumps” , Ajit, Anjali, Arjun, Adidas, Brilliant, Bully In School, Backbone Of The Batting Line-Up, Brand Ambassador, “Boost Is The Secret Of My Energy”, Bandra, Bombay Duck, Bonzer, Bowlers’ Nightmare, Balance At The Crease, Bottom Hand Grip, Belt Fixation, Cricketophile, Colossus, Cars, Canny, Carnivore, Curly Haired, Celebrity, Champion, Charisma, Character, Classical, Compassionate, Concentration, Cross Maidan, CB Series 2008, Chennai Tears 1999, “Definately”, Dashing, Darling Of The Nation, Determination, Dignity, Diminutive, Dire Straits, Distinguished, Dominates Bowlers, Double Hundred At 37, Dynamo, Driving On The Up, Explosive, Electrifying, Elegance, Excellence, Elixir, Emperor, Entertainer, Enthusiasm For Cricket, Entrepreneur, Epic, Epitome, Exquisite, Fame And Fortune, Fantastic, Fabulous, Ferrari, Footwork, Father Figure, Falsetto, Fireworks, Full Face Of The Bat, Formula One, Fiftieth Test Century In Sight, Flick Off The Hips, God, The Greatest, Genius, Gentleman, Global Icon, Glutton For Runs, Gourmand, Graceful, Humility, His Highness, Heavy Bat, Halo, Hand Eye Coordination, Headphones, Heroic, History-Making, Horizontal Bat, Humanitarian, Hops To Work It Away For A Single, Icon, Idol, India Flag On The Helmet, Inimitable, Indefatigable, Institution Of Batting, Integrity, Jeans, John McEnroe, Joy To Millions, Jamaican Lamb Curry, Karachi, Kambli, King Of Cricket, KBC With Amitabh, Little Champion, Little Master, Legacy, Line And Length, Lethal Weapon, Limelight, Lobster Spaghetti, Lodestar, Luminous, Lyrical, Lonavala, Maestro, Mumbai Indians, Multan, Marathi Asmita, Michael Schumacher, Magical, Mike Denness, Marathon Man, Marauder, Man Of The Match, Mig Club, Maverick, MRF Sticker, Multi Millionaire, Manchester, Mixed Bhajia Bowling, Nineteen Eighty Nine, Non-Controversial, Newsmaker, Normal Guy, One And Only, Omniscient, Opener, Operatic, Original, Outrageous, Opus, Paaji, Perth, Punch Through Cover, Paddle Sweep, Peerless, Panacea, Pandemonium, Passion, Patriotic, Pedestal, Pensive, Percipient, People’s Champion, Perfection, Phenomenon, Phoenix, Physiotherapy, Precocious, Private, Prodigy, Professional, Qadir Sixers, Quick Singles, Role Model, Rich, Red Hot, Roja (The Movie He Saw In Disguise In a Theatre), Run Rate, Reflexes, Records, Redoubtable, Reputation, Reverse Sweep, Revered, Resilient, Respect, Rock Star, Rooted, Running Between Wickets, Shoaib Sixer, Sharjah ‘98, Sachchu, Sahitya Sahawas, Shardashram, Shivaji Park, Sungrace Mafatlal, Sara, Sleepwalking At MRF Academy, Still Head, Straight Drive, Sachincredible, Sydney, Sultans Of Swing, Superbat, Saint Sachin, Scintillating, Sensational, Sach A Wonder, Senior Statesman, The Special One, Standard Bearer, Sublime, Superhuman, Superlative, Superstitious, Twitter Following, Tennis Elbow, Tondulkar, Talismanic, No 10 Jersey, Typhoon Tendulkar, Tactician, Team Man, Tenacious, Terrific, Terrorises Bowlers, Thoroughbred, Targets, The Ultimate, Unbending, Unconditional Love, Uniting The Nation, Unflappable, Unforgettable, Universal, Unique, Unparalleled, Vada Pav, VIP, Variation, Versatile, Vintage, Visionary, Virtuoso, Visor, Virender’s Inspiration, Volume Of Runs, Worldtel, Wankhede, Wanderers Heartbreak 2003, Wonder, Watershed, Whizkid, Whereabouts Clause, Wily, Wholesome, Willow, Winner, X-Factor, Yorkshire Stint, Yorkers, Young At Heart, Zeal, Zen Master
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