Confessions of a Tarot Card Reader
“I believe your intention has to be good in order to read cards correctly. I doubt the intentions of other card readers”
19 May, 2011
“I believe your intention has to be good in order to read cards correctly. I doubt the intentions of other card readers”
I was always interested in supernatural phenomena. I believe in a world beyond what we can see and hear. Everyone adopts their own way of understanding it. Tarot is my way of interpreting it. I also foresee the future through my dreams.
When I started off, no one believed me. My parents said I was wasting my time. This changed after I predicted my uncle’s death. Now, they call me up for information on things in the future.
But the cards don’t work for me. Like doctors who can’t cure themselves, I can’t read my own cards. Another tarot card reader who read my card was not convincing. She didn’t have answers to what I wanted to know. I believe your intention has to be good in order to read cards correctly. I doubt the intentions of other card readers.
People mostly ask me about their relationships. They want to know whether they will be able to carry on with their partners or not. Some of them try to test me by lying that they are not in a relationship, but when the cards reveal the truth, they accept it and ask questions about its future. Another favourite question is about their career. Some even ask things like when they will lose weight, which I ignore, as I don’t like questions that are not serious.
After a family misfortune, I discovered that I could figure out things others cannot. I then researched tarot card reading, and my experience with it was positive.
I can now say that it is my passion, my identity. This is a blessing from God. Not everyone can do it. I am fortunate in that aspect.
I once lied to my relative because I did not want to upset her as the cards read the death of her friend.
Once, a friend stopped getting her tarot read by anyone because the cards predicted a break-up. I convinced her to remain friends with me, but she did not let me predict anything about her.
(As told to Ufaque Paiker)
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