Confessions of a Systems Administrator
“When you give a local vendor your computer... they often slip in a different hard disk. They might change the RAM”
23 Dec, 2010
“When you give a local vendor your computer… they often slip in a different hard disk. They might change the RAM”
Systems engineers are sensitive. If you abuse them, they’ll start making up excuses to not solve simple niggles. For example, your mouse might not work because the cable has come out. An engineer might know this, but he’ll say something about a port problem that can’t be solved today.
Sometimes people who complain that their computer isn’t working don’t know it’s switched off.
If a small problem is solved, users think the engineer is a genius. If a big problem can’t be solved in one day, users think the engineer is useless. Then they ask for the guy who solved the small problem.
When a user comes in with his computer, it’s all about creating a perception. The engineer will go to the system properties window or move desktop windows around to show he’s working quickly. If a user doesn’t see this, he thinks the engineer doesn’t know what the problem is. Truth is, certain problems take time. But he has to show he’s working.
Macs confuse basic engineers. Because it’s new. Windows XP is user-friendly for them.
Some users decide they don’t just want their computer fixed, they also want us to download music, movies and games.
When you give a local vendor your computer for repairs, they often slip in a different hard disk. They might change the RAM. You have to have your hard disks operated on in front of you. Otherwise, the vendor will look at your data. If you have a movie or a song that he likes, he’ll take it.
When it comes to vendors, you should have basic knowledge about your device. Rattle off your configuration straight up so that he feels ‘yeah, this guy knows something’. If you want an upgrade, tell him what company’s products you want. It makes an impact. If someone says, ‘I just want a nice-looking laptop’, they’ll spin him right around.
(He has been a network engineer for one year)
As told to Rahul Bhatia
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