Pink Pink Pink - Pink Colour has a significance in all Cancer Patients Care Givers, that too Pink October is an Opportunity to make surrounding Breast Cancer Aware.
Dr. Rudra Prasad Acharya, Director, Surgical Oncology & Robotic Oncosurgery, Venkateshwar Hospital, New Delhi
We are responsible as Cancer Physician Cancer Patient & As Cancer Care Giver to make every body around Breast Cancer Aware for initiating Breast Cancer Screening at some stage of Life for each Women we know.
Breast Cancer in India is most common cancer since last decade. Early detection saves lives.
Be aware of Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer and catch it early. Lifestyle modification, prevention early detection is key to reduce the breast cancer burden in the world. But sufficient efforts lacking for screening of women its only voluntary screening in India that detects the most of the lumps. A good self examination guide and clinical examination in doubt supported by sono mammography key to detect early lesions
In this moth all the effort is not sufficient persistent effort throughout the year and special awareness programmes help in making Public awareness for Breast Cancer.
At Venkateshwar Hospital we not only provide Breast Cancer screening, detection and updated facility for Breast Conservative Surgery/ Sentinel Node Biopsy /Breast Reconstruction both Onco-mammoplasty and Total Breast Reconstruction. With a dedicated Breast Cancer Programme directed Medical Oncologist Surgical Oncologist and Radiation Oncologuist and Interventional Radiologist and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery team
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