

Spiritual Surf’s Up

A stay at an unusual ashram that promotes surfing

The Deep Web

The seamy side of the internet that you dare not explore

Parsis and the Art of Automobile Maintenance

The intense relationship that the community shares with its cars explains the premium they command in the second-hand market

Eye, Me, Myself

What selfies say about people

Cancer is as Natural as Ageing

Why carcinogens are not as scary as made out to be. A review of a book on the dreaded disease by George Johnson, followed by an interview with him

The Battle against Ageing

Early-stage research shows that lifestyle changes and certain chemicals can turn back cellular ageing, but the pill of youth is still many years away

The Parsi Genealogy Project

One man’s effort to put the family trees of everyone in the community on the internet

New Rules of Marriage

The matrimony survival guide is being updated by new technology, modern attitudes and an old sex manual

Fashion Forecasters

Crystal ball gazers or enemies of diversity?

The Craft of the Feminine

Fashion designer Anand Kabra draws inspiration from Indian history and the inner strength of women


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