

What’s in a Medium?

Pushpamala N’s photo-performances open up to scrutiny the act of dressing-up and posing for the camera, as well as the desire to recreate visual stories

Fear and Facts

Should India be prepared for a new Covid wave?

Who’s Afraid of the Hindu Vote?

The anti-BJP plank will resort to dividing the electorate along regional, religious, caste and linguistic lines in the run-up to 2024 despite the fact that such a strategy no longer yields the dividends it once did

Madeleine Albright (1937-2022): History’s Diplomat

America’s first woman secretary of state shaped the 20th century’s last world-defining moment

Island of Despair

In Sri Lanka, food inflation has soared to 25.7 per cent with the prices of essentials, including milk, skyrocketing

No give on ties unless border tensions resolved, India will tell Wang

Clear message ahead of Chinese foreign minister and state councillor's visit

Home Truths

On the eve of the second anniversary of the lockdown, a report on what has changed for the migrant worker and what hasn’t

Kashmir on the National Mind

A film becomes a cathartic cultural event that brings the tragedy of the pandits to the public consciousness


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