
Guts & Balls

Wrestling Pedigree

Aditya Iyer

When Triple H reached the edge of the ring, grown men with weak knees hoisted children of all sizes and combusted into raptures. For, any second now, Triple H was going to spit a mouthful of water on them

Nick of Time

The final day of the Eden Test had the drama and rhythm of a football match breathing on added time. It was a singular sight, where time was of the essence in Test cricket

Feelin’ Blue

The despair of being an Azzurri fan

Death of a Sportsman

Accidental deaths are not common in sport

Let’s Not Demonise Ben Stokes

Ben Stokes may not play for his country again. But that would be a shame, given that we taught him not to take things lying down, to never give up, to never roll over and die, to fight till the last breath


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