WHILE LISTS OF Vishnu’s avataras vary, in the standard list of 10 avataras, the first incarnation is Matsya or Meena, the fish. The present manvantara is Vaivasvata manvantara, presided over by Vaivasvata Manu. There was a great deluge and in the form of a fish, Vishnu saved Vaivasvata Manu, living beings and the Earth from the flood. That’s the story of Matsya avatara. In the process, Matsya avatara narrated Matsya Purana, one of the Mahapuranas, to Vaivasvata Manu. In most texts of Matsya Purana, what I am about to quote will be in Chapter 53. Kalpa is one of Brahma’s days.
Matsya said, “Initially, Brahma remembered the Puranas, the first among all the sacred texts. Subsequently, the Vedas emerged through his mouths. In that kalpa, there was only one Purana. It was one hundred crore shlokas long. When the worlds were scorched, in the form of a horse, I gathered together the extensive Vedangas, the four Vedas, Purana, nyaya, mimasa and dharmashastra. At the beginning of the kalpa, everything was in the form of an ocean. Inside the water, in the form of Matsya, I recited everything. Hearing this, the one with the four faces (Brahma) recounted it to the sages and the devas. In this way, the Purana and all the sacred texts became prevalent. When I see that the Purana has been devoured by time, from one yuga to another yuga, I gather it together in the form of Vyasa. In every dvapara yuga, I always do it in the form of four hundred thousand shlokas. In this way, they manifest themselves in the world in the form of 18 divisions. Thus, it is now said that there are 18 Puranas. I will describe their names.”
“Brahma Purana is said to have thirteen thousand shlokas. In purnima in the month of Vaishakha, if a person writes it down and donates it, along with jaladhenu, he obtains greatness in Brahma’s world. [Two pots are filled with water (jala) and other precious objects. One of these pots is thought of as a cow (dhenu) and the other as the calf. After the rituals, these two pots are donated to a Brahmana.] When the world was immersed in water, a golden lotus appeared. The learned speak of the text which describes that account as Padma Purana. [Implicitly, this is an account of the kalpa known as Padma kalpa.] Padma Purana is said to have fifty-five thousand shlokas. In the month of Jyeshtha, if one donates this Purana, along with a golden lotus and sesamum, the fruits obtained are those of a horse sacrifice. The account of Varaha kalpa was stated by Parashara. The text that states everything about dharma is spoken of by the learned as Vishnu Purana. Pure in atman, if a person donates it in pournamasi of Ashadha, along with a ghritadhenu, he proceeds to a destination with Varuna. [As earlier, except that the pots are now filled with ghrita/ghee.] The learned speak of its length as twenty-three thousand shlokas.
In this world, in connection with Shveta kalpa, Vayu spoke about dharma. Full of greatness about Rudra, that is known as Vayaviya Purana (Vayu Purana). This Purana is said to have twenty-four thousand shlokas. Pure in atman, on purnima in the month of Shravana, if a man donates this to a Brahmana with a family, along with a bull and gudadhenu, he resides in Shiva’s world for one kalpa. [As earlier, except that the pots are now filled with molasses.]
There is a text that is based on the gayatri mantra and describes dharma and the slaying of Vritrasura extensively. This is spoken of as Bhagavata Purana. It also speaks of the excellent men who existed in the middle of Sarasvata kalpa. The account of that creation is spoken of in this world as Bhagavata Purana. In pournamasi in the month of Proshthapada (Bhadrapada), if a person writes it down and donates it, along with a lion made of gold, he goes to the supreme destination. This Purana is said to have eighteen thousand shlokas.
‘Inside the water, in the form of Matsya, I recited everything. Hearing this, the one with the four faces (Brahma) recounted it to the sages and the devas. In this way, the Purana and all the sacred texts became prevalent’
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In connection with Brihat kalpa, Narada spoke about dharma. That text, with twenty-five thousand shlokas, is spoken of as Naradiya Purana. On panchadasi in the month of Ashvina, if a person donates it, along with a cow, he obtains supreme siddhi and it is extremely rare for him to return again.
In response to a question by a sage, birds reflected on dharma and adharma and explained the dharma and conduct of sages. Markandeya spoke about all this in detail. This text, with nine thousand shlokas, is known as Markandeya Purana. If a person writes this down and donates it in the month of Kartika, along with an elephant made of gold, he obtains the fruits of a Pundarika sacrifice.
The account of Ishana kalpa was spoken to Agni by Vasishtha. This is known as Agni Purana. It has sixteen thousand shlokas. Following the norms, in the month of Margashirsha, if a man writes this down and donates it, along with a golden lotus and a tiladhenu, he obtains the fruits of all sacrifices and obtains greatness in the world of heaven. [A tiladhenu is a cow (dhenu) made out of sesamum (tila), of prescribed weight and dimensions, donated to a Brahmana.]
In connection with Aghora kalpa, the one with the four faces told Manu about Aditya’s greatness, the preservation of the universe and the characteristics of the aggregate of beings. This text has fourteen thousand and five hundred shlokas and is generally about the conduct of the future. This is known as Bhavishya Purana. On pournamasi in the month of Pousha, without any malice, if a person donates this, along with a pot full of molasses, he obtains the fruits of an agnishtoma sacrifice.
In connection with the accounts of Rathantara kalpa, Savarni Manu told Narada about Krishna’s supreme greatness. There are repeated descriptions in this of Brahmavaraha (Varaha avatara). This has eighteen thousand shlokas and is known as Brahmavaivarta Purana. On pournamasi in the month of Magha, on an auspicious day, if a person donates Brahmavaivarta Purana, he obtains greatness in Brahma’s world.
In Agneya kalpa, in the midst of a lingam made of fire, the divinity Maheshvara spoke about the meaning of dharma, artha, kama and moksha. At the end of the kalpa, Brahma himself recited this Linga Purana, which has eleven thousand shlokas. If a person donates this in Phalguna, along with a tiladhenu, he proceeds to an identity with Shiva.
In connection with Manava kalpa, Vishnu again told the Earth about the greatness of the great Varaha. This is known as Varaha Purana and it is said to have twenty-four thousand shlokas. On pournamasi in the month of Madhu (Chaitra), if a person donates this to a Brahmana with a family, along with a golden Garuda and a tiladhenu, through Varaha’s favours, he reaches Vishnu’s world.
In connection with the accounts of Tatpurusha kalpa, the one with the six faces (Kartikeya) spoke about the dharma of worshipping Maheshvara, whose form and conduct are extensive. This is known as Skanda Purana. In the world of the mortals, it is said to have eighty-one thousand and one hundred shlokas. When Ravi reaches Meena (Pisces), if a person writes it down and donates it, along with a golden trident, he goes to a destination with Shiva. In auspicious Kurma kalpa, the one with the four faces spoke about Trivikrama’s greatness and the three objectives. This has ten thousand shlokas and is described as Vamana Purana. If a person donates this in the autumn vishuva Sankranti, he proceeds to a destination with Vishnu. In the form of Kurma, Janardana spoke about the greatness of dharma, artha, kama and moksha.
In connection with Indradyumna’s story and Lakshmi kalpa, in Shakra’s presence, he told the rishis about this, in Rasatala. This has eighteen thousand shlokas and is Kurma Purana. At the time of the transition of an ayana, if a man donates it, along with a golden tortoise, he obtains the fruits of donating one thousand cows. For the propagation of the shruti texts, at the beginning of the kalpa, in the form of Matsya, Janardana described Narasimha to Manu. This also describes the seven kalpas. This has fourteen thousand shlokas and is known as Matsya Purana. At the time of vishuva sankranti, if a person donates this, along with a golden fish and a cow, it is as if he has donated the entire Earth.
In Garuda kalpa, Krishna spoke about the emergence of Garuda from the cosmic egg. This is known as Garuda Purana and has eighteen thousand shlokas. In this world, if a man donates this, along with a golden swan, he obtains the best of siddhi and a status in Shiva’s world. Brahma again spoke about the greatness of brahmanda. This is Brahmanda Purana, with twelve thousand and two hundred shlokas. In this, one hears about a detailed description of the future kalpas. Recited by Brahma, this is said to be Brahmanda Purana. At the time of vyatipata, if a man donates this, along with a yellow woolen garment and a golden cow, he obtains the fruits of one thousand royal sacrifices and Brahma’s world is bestowed on him.”
As per Matsya Purana, this is the list. Notice that Shiva Purana is missing from the list.
About The Author
Bibek Debroy has translated the Mahabharata and the Valmiki Ramayana into English. He is the Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
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