
Rajeev Deshpande

In the Shadow of Terror

The murder of a BJP youth leader in coastal Karnataka, the birthplace of Indian Mujahideen founder Yasin Bhatkal, poses a challenge for the state government

05 August 2022
‘There is a sinister plan to distract people, but rule of law will prevail‘

BS Bommai, Chief Minister of Karnataka, in conversation with Rajeev Deshpande

05 August 2022
The Death of Ayman al-Zawahiri

Unlike the sensational night-time helicopter raid that ended Osama bin Laden’s career in Pakistan’s Abbottabad, Ayman al-Zawahiri met a rather tame end

05 August 2022
Running Out of Ideas

A Congress in disarray has sharpened rivalries among Opposition parties while Modi is already in election mode

29 July 2022
Covid 19: The Rising Graph

In states like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

27 July 2022
A Thriving Tax

Five years on, GST has survived politics and is helping economic growth

22 July 2022
Cover Stories
The Lost Island: What’s Next?

As Sri Lanka descends into anarchy, India watches with caution

15 July 2022
The Iron Will

How Narendra Modi strengthened India’s defence

08 July 2022
The Fall of Uddhav Thackeray

The rebellion that ended his tenure as chief minister would have happened sooner had it not been for the pandemic

01 July 2022
Sweden, Finland bury human rights concerns to strike NATO deal with Turkey

Joint declaration says outfits like PKK and FETO will not be supported, mechanism on law enforcement formed

30 June 2022