BJP has made AAP anxious by targeting Arvind Kejriwal over an opulent official residence even as Delhi’s ruling party battles the fallout of corruption cases
A signal that non-performing ministers would be dropped even as Modi 3.0 hasn't completed a year
Accelerating reforms and reviving growth will be the Modi government’s key task even as a recharged BJP takes on the Opposition in Delhi and Bihar
The prime minister will lead from the front as BJP forges a firm response to political and parliamentary subversion while efforts to acknowledge historical violence against Hindus will help preserve India’s cultural ethos
Hereon, BJP’s emphasis will be upon Ajit Pawar as politics will revolve around whether the Congress is able to counter him in the Marathwada regions of the state
Internal drift and worn-out themes have shrunk Congress and kept the party from capitalising on the Lok Sabha results while a defining idea to counter BJP still eludes the Opposition