

‘Art is a great area to study luck’

Aditya Mani Jha

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s new book deals with what the right data can tell us about who we are and how we might make our lives better. The economist in conversation with

Nandalal Bose’s People

What did Gandhi and Tagore find in his work?

Arunima Choudhury: Natural Flair

How Arunima Choudhury has become an exponent of sustainable aesthetics

Sudhir Patwardhan: The People’s Painter

An anthology maps Sudhir Patwardhan’s interpretation of Mumbai’s struggles, hopes and aspirations

Finding Husain in Kudje

A new museum, spread over eight acres, and with eight galleries, on the outskirts of Pune democratises art and art viewership

A Measure of Time

An exhibition by a Baroda-based gallery features 19 artists and a range of styles from AI sketches to gold on paper

Myna Mukherjee: The Bridge

As a curator Myna Mukherjee joins the dots between disparate worlds

Shuvaprasanna: Making the Epics Fabulous

Shuvaprasanna’s oil-and-acrylic paintings celebrate the stories of the Mahabharata

Shadows of the Mind

An online interdisciplinary exhibition explores the complexities of mental wellbeing

Manisha Gera Baswani: Palette of Pain

Manisha Gera Baswani uses incisions and perforations, threads and stitches to reveal processes of injury and healing


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