Tree’s Company
Anil Budur Lulla
Anil Budur Lulla
23 Jun, 2011
A 35-year-old, claiming to be a reincarnation of Hanuman, has taken to the trees in Orissa.
A 35-year-old, claiming to be a reincarnation of Hanuman, has taken to the trees in Orissa. Literally. Surendra Sethi has been living atop a mango tree in Akulikana village of Bhadrak district for 20 odd days. Sethi’s tree-top residence is made of branches, leaves and a plastic sheet to keep out the heavy rains. While curious onlookers have turned into a touristy throng, Sethi does not speak to anyone or accept offerings made by people. He seems content 25 feet above ground. A police party made futile attempts to bring him down, but retreated after observing that he is comfortable up there. It’s called taking bhakti to a higher level.
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