Dr. Parjeet Kaur, MD (AIIMS) DM (AIIMS), Associate Director, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes Medanta Medicity, Gurgaon (Delhi/NCR)
Trained by the top medical institute of the country, Dr Parjeet Kaur is currently working as an Associate Director in the department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Medanta The Medicity hospital, Gurugram. She completed her MBBS from Maulana Azad medical College, New Delhi followed by MD (internal medicine) and DM (Endocrinology) from AIIMS New Delhi. Post completion of her DM, she joined Medanta hospital where she has been continuing to work till now. She has received many awards including AV Gandhi award for excellence in Endocrinology and Golden Aim women healthcare leader award. She is an acclaimed researcher with many research publications to her credit in the field of endocrinology. She has been actively involved in various academic and education programmes including DNB Endocrinology program, diabetes educators training program, type 1 diabetes public awareness program, various women’s health awareness programs on Sansad TV, contributing positively to improving public health in the society at large.
I am a self-motivated and focused person and special thanks to my parents’ positive mindset in raising their daughters that I never allowed element of gender bias/gender inequality to come under my way of professional journey. However, being a woman has its own set of challenges and like any other woman I realised it when it came to motherhood and parenting. My professional life took backseat for six years when I worked for less hours and prioritised my motherly duties. But the real challenge was to have a comeback after this gap while coping with the constant struggle of balancing two roles of being a doctor and a mother, to achieve my goals and establish a leading role at my workplace.
Always a tough question to answer! But over the years, I have realized that I am very much present in the moment and in the flow when dealing with my patients and that’s what in my opinion, passion is all about. I am passionate about women’s health, spreading health awareness and teaching budding endocrinologists at my institute.
Women often sail through the sea of many difficult circumstances which wreck her health not only physically but mentally as well.In my twenty years’ experience of being a doctor, I stand witness to the gender disparity seen in access to healthcare where women represent very less proportion of patients attending hospital. Under representation of women in various clinical and epidemiological studies results in lack of public awareness of various health problems unique to women. Women’s health is not just a personal priority. It is a national priority. In future, I wish to channelise my efforts towards spreading awareness on women’s health and establishing a dedicated women’s endocrinology centre at my workplace, which will deal with all hormonal disorders of women.
I picked up running five years back and there is no turning back now. I have run several half marathons and running has improved not only my physical but mental and emotional health as well. I run three times a week with weight training twice a week giving equal priority to my diet and hydration. By keeping myself physically fit, I can connect with my patients better to motivate them to follow a healthy lifestyle. I believe in run the talk!
Success is all a matter of perspective. My father has been a role model of self-discipline to me, which I believe is the key to success. I consider myself successful when,by the end of the day I could spend an hour of physical activity, treat my patients well and motivate them for self-care, spend time with my kids and family and be able to manage some self-reflection time. Achieving these small daily goals with self-discipline keeps me calm and focused both at the personal and professional front and helps me realize my vision.
My message to all women out there-Prioritize your health and happiness. Regular exercise, healthy diet and good sleep will keep you not only physically strong but mentally strong as well.
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