Open Avenues | Women in Education
Master of an Agile Personality
Poonam Sharma, Chairperson, Accurate Group of Institutions
02 Mar, 2023
A great & firm believer & follower of her own ethics, values, crafts and principles, she moves selectively & meticulously on pre- fixed, preset, well-planned & defined path ensuring hundred percent achievements.
Poonam Sharma has done her MBA in International Business Management. With her gifted insights, leadership qualities and zeal to contribute in the development of India by making India a more knowledgeable society.
Education has evolved greatly from its earlier rote learning to the present day innovative procedures to leave a lingering impact on young minds .Technology has played a pivotal role and it has impacted every facet of daily lives over the last few years from personal and business interactions to systems. Seeing how fast it has evolved over the last decade, mankind is yet to see the best of it. One can safely say that, we have embraced technology in education where it is used for teaching, training and learning, with the main purpose remaining in changing dynamic scenario, how teachers and students gather, access, analyse, present and transmit information. The incorporation of virtual reality inside classroom adds an unprecedented context in learning owing to the visual element. This enhances the connection between concepts and information much better than simply reading.
In our Institute we follow the noble practices and we are blessed to have a a rich cultural heritage which is totally focused on the noble cause of Quality Education. We believe that freedom of thought and expression is necessary, as without this overall development of Individual cannot be completed. Everybody is valued and judged in view of their commitments and execution instead of gender, race, religion, physical capacities, sexual character or financial condition. Commitment extends to all level of our campus to foster a climate of ethical conduct, respect, responsibility and Trust. At our Institute we endeavour to create and seek after higher benchmarks by exhibiting quality in staffing, facilities, programs, and services by promoting continuous improvement, encourage interdepartmental collaboration, encourage creativity, innovation, and risk-taking among students as well as faculty. If we are to be both remaining relevant and attract the highest caliber of students, faculty, and staff, we must ensure that our community is inclusive and open to all viewpoints. A culture of excellence must pervade the Institution in both academic and non-academic areas.
Learned academicians who are bringing laurels and excellence via their teachings and creating and fostering a culture of learning among the students and staff members, are the best strength of my institution. We continuously remain involved towards developing a culture where every member takes responsibility for personal and professional growth and development. We continuously assess and enhance our policies, establish and impart characterized and explained objectives and targets, ensure that our work increases the value of the college and society. We believe in having complete transparency at all levels of hierarchy to promote a healthier working atmosphere to all. We believe in the value of positive motivation and encouragement. A motivated workforce means a highly productive staff, all of which will help achieve your organizational goals and vision, and for that we as an Institute work in the direction of a motivated environment for staff and students.
We are still trying to upgrade our curriculum and teaching pedagogy as per the changes and challenges of the dynamic market .As we all know that with technology takeover and globalisation, the education system is also changing very fast and the future will be a time of Edu-tech, digital learning and online education. When Pandemic COVID -19 outbreak took place that time we were challenged to impart education and complete all semester functioning and complete the syllabus and other activities via digital platform and remained connected with our staff members and students and accomplished all work on digital platform . Another innovation that is the need of the hour is to allow flexibility in the completion of a course to allow genuine breaks and also allow the student to pace his education based on his comfort. And in this regard, we are giving a thought and will soon be coming up with certain fruitful ways. Blended learning, flipped classrooms and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for learning we are also continuously preparing our students well versed and competent by giving student ownership in the learning process will increase and he/she would need to take more responsibility in the learning process. However, the professors in our campus are the path guider ,motivator, clarifier and the problem solving specialist by conducting several kinds of beneficial programs for the students development.
My core academicians and my staff members are my core strengths and valuable human assets and greatest support who bring the best to my institution and I have full faith in them. It is because of them that we proudly declare 100% placement for our management students, i am really proud of it.
Bringing my students, academicians and staff members at the top of the world. making them 3600 ready of upcoming challenges. My team, my students should always be ready for anything to everything.
I love beautiful quote and golden words of Swami Vivekanand “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached” I think our youths are the special spirits who have been reserved to come forth in this generation and they need to discover about themselves who they are and what are their core strengths and working on those areas and to find your place in life.
The Youths have new, strong feelings and have great challenges. I hope that they to achieve and excel in some special way. Perhaps it is their smile, personality, or ability to lift themselves and others in discovering their talent as an athlete, scholar, computer specialist, musician, builder, artist, or in a hundred different areas. This might give you some personal recognition. These accomplishments may cause them to think about who you really are.I want youngsters to believe in themselves and their potential and keep moving towards their life’s goal and serving mankind.
My positive attitude towards life, people and society. Yoga, meditation practice is all i believe that we need to do to start and the rest will come itself as where there is a will there is always a way, POSITIVE MIND ALWAYS WIN.
As far as i think about success is anything that gives you real joy, bliss and self-satisfaction at the end of the day.
It could differ from individual to individual. Along with this i also feel that my success is not only mine but lots of people have given their contributions in my success. Me, my family, my mentors and friends are great way to my overall success and I also realize that I have to go a long way to bring excellence to my institution.
I love listening music, driving and i love reading about latest gadgets.
(A marketing initiative by Open Avenues)
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