Open Avenues | Health
Joint Protection Tips
Having a good posture is key to reducing the strain on your joints over time
Dr Manjunath Kodihally
Dr Manjunath Kodihally
01 Jul, 2024
Research indicates that about 39% of people in India are suffering from arthritis, i.e., 1 in 4 individuals is going through this condition. Arthritis is a condition that can impact one’s quality of life significantly and also poses difficulty in managing daily activities. To motivate people to conquer their everyday battle against arthritis with the help of life-changing information and valuable resources, the Arthritis Foundation of Asia (AFA) was established. The AFA also extends access and support to arthritis patients to provide optimal care. They help empower people with arthritis and ensure that their voices are being heard while assisting hundreds out there in managing their condition effectively.
With our latest edition, we want to share the top 9 joint protection tips shared by the experts at the Arthritis Foundation of Asia (AFA):
- Exercise is the golden key
If there’s one thing Covid-19 has taught us, (except living every moment to the fullest) it’s that taking care of your health is non-negotiable. The #1 way to keep yourself healthy is to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. Exercise equals moving your body any way you like – from a 5-minute walk to 30 minutes of cycling, yoga, swimming, and even working out in the gym. Get in 30 minutes of exercise at least five times per week. It will help move your body, manage stress levels, and keep the endorphins coming, all while improving the health of your joints
- Pre- and post-exercise routine matters
Don’t just jump right into or out of the exercise you pick. Both these things can be risky. Before engaging your body in any physical activity, it is imperative to warm up your joints and muscles. It serves as a ringer for your body to get into action. Warming up would prevent your muscles and joints from unexpected shocks. In addition to this, when you finish exercising, cooling down is the next step. This is an important practice to get your muscles and joints back to a regular pace. Add in a gentle stretch to prevent soreness and muscle stiffness the next day
- Maintain a healthy weight
Exercising and this tip goes hand-in-hand. While eating those carb-rich goodies may sound lucrative, carrying extra weight adds additional stress to your weight-bearing joints. These joints can be the knees, hips, and spine. They are always carrying weight in the body and hardly ever rest. Thus, added weight gain can end up increasing the strain on these joints. This results in decreased function and increased pain while getting up from bed, walking, or performing other day-to-day tasks. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the stress on your joints and improve your range of motion, helping you reclaim your life
- Incorporate joint-friendly techniques
There are several joint-friendly techniques that you can use in your day-to-day life to minimise the stress on your joints:
– When lifting, use your legs, not your back: You don’t need your back to do the work. Engage your legs when you are lifting something heavy. Bend your knees and keep the focus on pushing your feet against the ground. This will also help keep your back straight.
– Avoid long durations of a single motion: Sitting in the same place, keeping the same posture for long hours, sitting on folded legs, or any repetitive movement of any activity is not good for your joints. Take frequent breaks and give your joints the rest they require. Make sure that you are not straining a single joint for long.
– Taking help is not a sign of weakness: Use assistive devices that will make day-to-day movements easier for you. Devices such as walkers, canes, and even specialised kitchen tools can help relieve some load from your joints.
- Good posture is a good practice to follow
Having a good posture is key to reducing the strain on your joints over time. Whether you are sitting in the office, standing at the bus stop, or simply lying down and resting on your bed, make sure that your body is completely aligned in a way that supports the joints rather than creating extra load on them. Make use of ergonomic chairs and supportive footwear to help maintain a proper posture
- Heatwave or not, hydration is key
Hydration is crucial for your overall health as well as your joints. Water helps in keeping your joints lubricated and hence maintains the elasticity of the cartilage. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water in a day is an absolute necessity, however, you can increase the water intake depending upon the weather
- Prevention is better than cure
Be mindful of the health of your joints. Even if you are facing light pain, it is advisable to wear protective equipment while engaging in activities that may create stress on the joints. You can wear knee pads, supportive footwear, wrist guards, etc., to prevent any injury
- Listen to your body more than anyone else
Pay attention to what your body has to say. Learn your body’s language – if there is an activity that alleviates pain, pause and rest. Give your body the time to heal. Pushing through pain to be strong can lead to joint damage and ultimately worsen arthritis symptoms. Be gentle and ensure that you let your body recover
Along with these joint protection tips, you can also seek professional advice from healthcare experts who can help you manage arthritis symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation of Asia (AFA) further acknowledges a pioneering brand – three60+ – that is transforming arthritis management. Their products contain research-backed & award-winning ingredients that heal from within. They are safe to use and have no known side effects. Here is their entire Orthocare range that you can explore –
- three60+ Pain Relief & Joint Mobility Tablets
- three60+ Daily Joint Care & Protect
- Rapid Pain Relief Roll On Massager
- Rapid Pain Relief Gel
(A marketing initiative by Open Avenues)
About The Author
Dr Manjunath Kodihally is a orthopaedic surgeon. He is a specialist in arthroscopy, sports injures and joint replacement surgeries at Fortis Hospital, Nagarbhavi
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