Ms Deepika Chalasani, a Clinical Nutritionist, Mind & Body Transformation Coach, and weight management and lifestyle specialist is the epitome of exemplary courage, compassion and vision. Leading by example, her expertise and guidance has transformed many lives to health and happiness
Ms Deepika Chalasani, Clinical Nutritionist, Mind & Body Transformation Coach (
What according to you is the true sense of the term fitness?
The definition of Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. Generally, people tend to associate fitness with the ability to pursue strenuous physical fitness regimens such as marathons, ironman, trekking in tough terrain, lifting heavy weights, working out for a couple of hours in the gym, or the physical appearance of a bulked up body with a low-fat percentage, 6 pack abs, etc. Those who pursue strenuous physical activity regimens or focus on the outer appearance have a very weak immunity. They tend to fall ill with a slightest weather change. A lot of fitness enthusiasts have little energy left for the rest of the day to work and tend to push through the day snacking, gulping coffee and tea, or taking smoke breaks. In the pursuit of fitness, they often tend to ignore internal health parameters such as heart, liver, kidney health, digestion, immunity, etc. For me, it is the ability to pursue your fitness goals both in the short term and long term while managing all other priorities with ease and inner health that is functioning optimally.
What is your crucial role in rectifying the consequences of a poor lifestyle?
We support our clients make lifestyle changes that are sustainable for their current phase of life such as (age, medical conditions, etc.) and their life context (travelling entrepreneur, working mother with young children, night shift employee, young couple). The blood reports give a very good indication of internal health and genetic predisposition. We help them make food choices that suit their blood reports, body type, desired outcome, taste buds through education and an execution plan that is easy to follow. Lifestyle is also about regular washroom cycles, accurate water intake, an adequate physical fitness regime that supports short-term and longterm health, skin and hair health, regular menstrual cycles, quality of sleep and stress management. We monitor all the parameters, teach them scientifically proven methods and track progress. Too many changes can make it overwhelming for any individual and therefore we curate a customised program that transitions them gradually as per desired outcome and comfort to a better level of wellness and well-being.
What inspired your journey of nutrition and wellness and the challenges faced?
My battle with obesity, the constant struggle with cravings and hunger pangs while following various weight loss regimens, the feeling of deprivation of wanting to enjoy my favourite foods without guilt but not knowing how to enjoy them and being able to sustain the weight lost inspired me to start fit4life India. I have been able to sustain the weight loss for over a decade. In the 40s most women gain weight and during the menopause period, the weight gain is substantial. After losing over 25 kgs, I sustained my weight for 8 years and gained 4 kgs at 49 years as menopause set in. I was able to quickly course correct and lose the weight gained.
How scientific is the framework you and your team follow?
We follow scientifically proven methods such as Harvard’s healthy plate and credible organisations such as WHO, NIN, Lancet, CADI research foundation, etc.
What are your golden nuggets of advice on fitness?
Focus on long-term health vs. crash diets and ensure sustainability of every health practice you set out to do. In the pursuit of an optimal outer appearance or pushing a body to extreme levels of fitness, make sure to nourish the body with adequate nutrition. Fitness without adequate nutrition can cause long-term injury, life-threatening diseases like cancer and shortened life span too.
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