IBS – ICFAI Business School
11 Mar, 2019
The high tide for admissions to the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) course is here. Students who have qualified through IBSAT are making a beeline to the finer institutes offering the same.
IBS, ranked amongst the better schools, was witness to many a candidate seeking admission to the aforementioned pursuit. With an impeccable record, vis a’ vis teaching and placement, it is one of the first choices. Around 1500 students go through the GD (Group Discussion) and PI (Personal Interview) sessions everyday for the better part of a week. This is for selection into the 9 campuses around India. What strikes the observer is the diaspora of candidates from all over, speaking different languages and in varied attire. Representing the smaller towns and far-flung villages, they aspire to become managers in corporate companies or wish to be self-employed. Group discussion topics that this correspondent could collect were au courant and a wee bit tough. 1) Fixed or Flexi work timings, which is better?, 2) Is right to privacy a fundamental right? and 3) Is ‘Make in India’, a success? were some they were asked to discuss. Before the aspirants went in for their group discussions, motivational speeches by industry experts, placement company heads and faculty from the other campuses were heard. By narrating a few incidents about their peers and quoting some leaders, the candidates were put at ease and given direction on how to score better in the group discussion.
A peek into why IBS, revealed a couple of interesting factors. The hands-on ‘Case Study’ oriented education imparted for one and the placement thereafter in decent corporates through campus interviews. A remarkable shift from two decades ago is that the hopefuls go about their education visiting the college web sites and talking to peers. Parul Verma, seeking admission into the MBA-HR stream, had this to say, “I’ve done the research towards selection, on my own, by checking out the reviews attributed to each institute and shortlisted IBS”. Neelu Gambhir’s son Rohan wants to take a finance major. A decision the son took inspite of people around him vying for the high flying marketing main. Personal interest is what the mother, a teacher, summed up.
Prof. S Venkata Seshaiah, Director, IBS Hyderabad, is presently reading and recommending, Misbehaving by Richard H.Thaler. A book on Behavioral Economics is a strong proponent of all round development of the individual passing through the hallowed portals of IBS. “Adaptation to this constantly changing world and emotional intelligence are two virtues needed to survive in this world”, advised Mr. Sudhakar Rao, Director Branding, ICFAI Group, had this to say when queried about why not an international campus, “When the catchment is plentiful in our country, why bother about elsewhere”.
The Hyderabad expanse, all of 92 acres, has in its ambit, state of the art facilities like conference halls, auditoriums, and sports arenas that boast Olympic standards. If records are anything to go by, the demographic line is equally divided between the distaff side and that of the Adonides. Outside of the Post Graduate efforts, Under Graduate applications are accepted for sessions in Law, Engineering and Business.
(A marketing initiative by Open Avenues)
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