

The Liar Who Told the Truth

Steve Coll’s new book shows how mutual misunderstandings led to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and its catastrophic aftermath

Mad with Love

An ancient romance as a spiritual allegory

The Mythic Meets the Mundane

A Sri Lankan novel is a top contender for the world’s leading science-fiction prize

The Fellowship of Four Friends

The freedom movement told through human connections

A Serial Survivor

The trials and triumphs of Ram Vilas Paswan

The Gifts of Gieve

A portrait of Gieve Patel as an interpreter of the modern metropolis

Aligarh Almanac

A coming-of-age memoir about grief and hope

The Passage of India

Freedom is a feminist struggle in Lakshmi Murdeshwar Puri’s debut novel

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay: A Different Feminist

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay’s life reflects the story of modern India

The Brazen and the Devout

Arundhathi Subramaniam maps the spiritual poetry movement in India


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