

Lost and Found

A young woman’s search for meaning in the Himalayas

Travels through Time

A daughter’s quest for her mother in Delhi

A Manifesto for AI Users

Is Artificial Intelligence changing what it means to be human?

What Ifs

A dystopian novel that moves between fate and possibility

States of Unrest

Neel Mukherjee’s new novel is a quarrel with capitalism. The author speaks about choices made and those deferred

Why I Don’t Look Back in Anger

Author and sports journalist Boria Majumdar in his memoir relives how he survived a ban on him and the social media trial that followed. Here is his side of the story

The Playful Past

History lessons can be quite fun

Travellers on Trial

Why it’s an unequal movement

Past Continuous

Of incomplete lives and eternal love

‘Theatre Is Questions. Theatre Is Debate’

In his memoir actor and director MK Raina recounts using theatre to heal


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