

Spiritual Bedfellows

The Norway massacre and the Indian connection

‘We are lucky not to have seen a dirty bomb’

Peace Nobel laureate ElBaradei on the dangers and inequities of the nuclear world. And why he admires Manmohan Singh so much.

An Iranian Spark in India

On 12 June 2009, Mahmud Ahmedinejad came to power in Iran in a disputed election, which triggered a short-lived democratic movement. In Pune, which has a sizeable population of Iranian students, there was a flicker of protest, but it was immediately snuffed out. A reminiscence

Pakistan’s General Problem

How Pakistan’s Generals turned the country into an international jihadi tourist resort

The Headley Testimony and the ISI Stamp

An inside view of a trial where the confessions of the man who prepared the ground for the 26/11 Mumbai attacks have put the Pakistani intelligence agency in the dock

Exorcising the Ghost of Geronimo

More than the sobering effect an ill-advised codename might have had on giddy Americans celebrating the Osama killing, it was a reminder of the country’s own historical injustices

Obama after Osama

So, should he consider himself re-elected in 2012?

Sai Baba and My Time at Russian Playboy

For my appointment to the sexiest job in Moscow, I had the godman to thank. So too, perhaps, for my stint being cut short

To Kill a Wanted Man

The twists and turns of the world’s most expensive manhunt ever

Besieged, Not Fallen

Questions on Pakistan’s intent to fight terror and fulfil its international obligations are legitimate, but they assume a State in complete control. It is not


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