What Anna Hazare uttered, Raju Parulekar wrote. So when Anna accused him of misusing the blog, he was stunned. Now, he speaks to Open
The man wears many hats—writer, political analyst and TV anchor, among others. He has won accolades in multiple fields of expertise. He has a network of contacts that is the envy of almost every mediaperson in Mumbai, with most of Maharashtra’s political heavyweights on speed dial. And when corruption crusader Anna Hazare hired him to be his blog writer, to be his voice on the web, Raju Parulekar was overwhelmed; after all, Anna was an old contact and a person he revered.
What Anna uttered, Parulekar wrote. So when Anna accused him of misusing the blog, he was stunned. Now, as he speaks to Haima Deshpande of Open, the writer has a singular objective: to clear his name and present the “whole truth”. Excerpts from an interview:
Q Despite the growing discontent against Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and Prashant Bhushan, why is Anna Hazare not doing away with the movement’s core committee? The decision is solely his, isn’t it?
A That the known devil is better than the unknown is Annaji’s belief. He does not want to rely on other people. He wanted me to be an instrument to take on the gang of four who dominate the core committee, but these people foiled his plans. The saying, ‘History [repeats], first as tragedy, then as farce’ is applicable to this movement.
Q Is Anna a free decision-maker?
A I do not think so. Annaji is controlled by these people. They have no respect for him, only for the brand he has become. He is [physically] weak and has a host of ailments, but all these people want him for, is to fast. These people should be kicked out of the movement; otherwise, there will be no future for it.
Q What are Anna’s compulsions in retaining Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan?
A Financial and health compulsions. The movement has generated huge sums of money. Kejriwal is the custodian. The funds generated by the Anna Hazare brand are not in his hands, they are controlled by Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan. Annaji does not know how to manage the funds, so he is dependent on these people. They know this and are exploiting the situation.
These people want Annaji to tour the country, but his health will not allow it. One day when this gang was present in the room, Annaji called me inside and stated that he wanted a van fitted with a toilet and bed for his travels. I asked him if he was talking about a vanity van. He said ‘yes’. Annaji told me that money was not a problem, as these people had all the money. I told him I would talk to Dilip Chhabria to model one.
Later, Bhushan asked me if we could hire such a van [instead], as [buying one] would cost about Rs 1.5 crore. Then they suggested that we hire a train bogie for Annaji to move around. Bedi decided that it would be difficult [for Anna] to be in touch with the public [this way]. She suggested that he travel by road and sleep at temples and eat at langars. They really do not care about a 74-year-old man with health ailments.
Q There is talk that the movement’s core committee has not been appointed by Anna.
A There are 25 members in the core committee, but does anyone know them? Many of them are connected to Kejriwal. Annaji has not issued a single letter to anyone stating that this person has been appointed by him as a core committee member. I challenge any of them to produce such a letter signed by Anna. When the movement started, Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan latched on and stayed there.
Q Why is there so much anger against Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan now?
A Anyone who is connected with Annaji’s movement is angry with these three for their autocratic style of functioning. They are rude and arrogant. Team Anna does not want any transparency in its own dealings, but demands transparency in the dealings of the Government.
Kejriwal talks of a corrupt government, and yet his wife works with the Income Tax Department. Doesn’t he know that cheques for non-payment of tax dues should be sent to the Income Tax Department and not to the Prime Minister’s Office?
In the 30 years that Bedi has worked for the Government, did she not realise that it was corrupt? What did she do to change it? She first pocketed the money [of her inflated travel reimbursements] and is now returning it. When she caught pickpockets as a cop, did she ask them to return the money and [ then] forget about the case?
Sedition charges are levelled against Binayak Sen, but when Prashant Bhushan talks about a separate Kashmir, isn’t it anti-national? Should he not be jailed?
Q Who leads Team Anna? Anna or the Team?
A Annaji would like to lead, but is not. He has started realising that this gang is exploiting him. He knows that as long as they are there, the movement will not attract others who will work selflessly. This group is exploiting public sentiment against corruption for its own financial gain, fame and recognition.
Q You were Anna’s blogger. Recently, Anna said that you were misusing his blog, so he shut it down…
A I uploaded only what Annaji wanted. I have not put up a single word of mine. Sometimes his blogs were spontaneous and often in response to questions I asked him. During his maun vrat (vow of silence), Annaji wrote down on paper that he wanted to change the core committee. It was uploaded with Annaji’s consent. He should have stood by me, but I know that this gang is forcing him to say things. Since they are insecure about anyone who is close to Annaji, they targeted me.
Bedi and Kejriwal wanted me to send them the content of the blog 20 minutes before it was uploaded. I objected to this, as the matter for this blog came directly from Annaji. This indicated that they did not hold his words in high esteem.
Do Bedi and Kejriwal send their tweets to Anna for approval before uploading them?
Q Anna has stated that he never discussed any decision to change the core committee with you and gave you no permission to upload it. But on 7 November, he said that he would reconstitute the core committee and bring in new members. So why was he fussing about the blog post that stated this?
A Annaji should have stood by me because I was putting up only what he had said. Instead, he called me names, levelled accusations [against me] and questioned my integrity. I have all the proof, and there is much more. He is not happy with Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan, and he has told me so. I will reveal it all at a media conference I am planning to clear my name.
Q You have been accused of being an ‘agent’ of a Union minister and of trying to break up the core committee…
A They say these things, but will not [cite any] name. It is a conspiracy to defame me and push me out of Annaji’s interactions.
Q There was also some talk about writing a constitution for the movement. Is this still on?
A When I asked Annaji who would write this constitution, he was silent. Then he told me that this is the compromise this gang has reached to stay in the core committee.
The weakness of the movement is the money collected by it. It is all lying with Kejriwal. When decisions are taken, these funds have to be considered. Bedi and Kejriwal think that they are the leaders. Once, Prashant Bhushan asked me [of Anna] right in front of Anna [after his China blog was uploaded], “Yeh China vaina kya jaanta hai (What does he know about China)?”
Q Do people fall out with Anna because he does not stand by his word? Even Medha Patkar moved away from the movement.
A Annaji must stand by people. In my case, I did everything as per his wishes, and yet my credibility and motives are being questioned by him. Medha Patkar is an anarchist. Despite her sacrifices, she is not fit for any system. She is like a readymade garment.
Q So, it is your credibility versus Anna’s televised credibility. How difficult will it be for you to make people believe your truth?
A Yes, it is a difficult step, trying to prove that I am telling the truth. Though I have all the proof, it is not easy to make people believe my truth. Since the blog incident, I have been getting threats from different parts of the country.
I did no wrong, I wrote exactly what Annaji told me, and yet I am being crucified.
Bedi and Kejriwal thought that I would meet a fate similar to that of Swami Agnivesh and Baba Ramdev. But it did not happen. I am fighting back. Besides, I am also a known personality whose credibility has never been questioned. This gang did not expect it to rebound on them. At the media conference that I intend to address, I will tell the whole truth to the world. There are many others who are keen to address the media alongside me.
Q What is the future of this movement?
A If Annaji does not change the core team, there is likely to be no future for this movement. When Annaji says that he is representing the aspirations of the people, it is a huge number [he refers to]. The movement gained [momentum] because people are fed up with corruption. But if Annaji does not kick out this gang, there will be no future for it.
Q Did you meet Anna regularly?
A Yes. Since I was his blog writer, I had regular interaction with Annaji. There are so many things he has told me.
Q What is Anna’s opinion of Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan?
A See, I do not want to repeat it. The exact words sound better when Anna says it, not me.
He has told me that this gang is nothing without him. As long as he heads the movement, they have their identities. Without Annaji, there cannot be any movement. But Kejriwal, Bedi and Bhushan have their own plans. They are opportunists.
Q Is Anna’s movement on the right track?
A See, you have to take everyone along. You cannot say that you will not speak to the Right, Left, Congress, BJP, etcetera. That is a wrong approach. You may not like someone, but when it is team work, you have to learn to take everyone along. In this movement, Kejriwal and Bedi are autocratic. They cannot take anyone [else] along.
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