

At the Top of its Game

India’s success at Asiad raises its hopes for the Paris 2024 Olympics

Piyush Pandey: The Man Behind Brand Bharat

The advertising legend who brought Bharat to India is hanging up his boots

Death by Dreams in Kota

Long known as India’s coaching capital, Kota has been rocked by a spate of student suicides—twenty-seven to date this year. Aditya Iyer travels to the Rajasthani city in search of answers

Hope Abandoned

Peace has become all the more elusive in Manipur

Small Talk

On a Union minister asking for a break-up of Uttar Pradesh

Jon Fosse: Master of Mystic Realism

The Norwegian author wins the Nobel Prize in literature for his linguistic inventiveness

No Full Stops for Modi

Instead of giving himself what would have been a well-deserved break, Modi immediately attended public events that included a visit to BJP’s headquarters

Form and Spirit

Not only will Rohit Sharma live the childhood dream of playing an ODI World Cup at home over the next couple of months, but he will do so as the captain of the number one team in the world

The Best of the Best

A batsman, bowler and all-rounder to look out for from each of the 10 teams at the 2023 World Cup


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