

A Gamble Too Far

A police officer spills the beans on how his seniors, bureaucrats and politicians in the Bhupesh Baghel government had aided a betting syndicate in Chhattisgarh

The Unexpected Perils of Wokeness

Google’s AI Gemini realises the price of political over-correctness

Pankaj Udhas (1951-2024): Soul Singer

His experiments brought ghazal to a wider audience

The AI Videographer

The wonders and dangers of artificial intelligence-generated videos

The Local Fix

Why some states force their regional languages onto signboards

Ameen Sayani (1932-2024): The Golden Voice

He spoke the language of everyman departing from stuffy radio broadcasting

Fali S Nariman (1929-2024): The Guardian of Constitutional Democracy

Nariman did much more to further the cause of liberty than many others after him. In 1972, he was appointed additional solicitor general. Instead of clinging to that office, Nariman quit when his conscience would not allow him to hold that position anymore

Alexei Navalny (1976-2024): The Death of a Putin Enemy

You can’t go home again… not when home is Russia

Love As Resistance

A new series captures real-life love stories in India across cultures, castes and religions


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