

Ukraine War: How the West Shot Itself in the Foot

Sanctions are hurting its own economies without stopping Russia’s war machine

The Boomerang War

How Vladimir Putin has exploited the liberal disorder and survived the sanctions

Mahabharata: Eternally Epic

The enduring meaning and mystique of the Mahabharata

An Opportunity in the Gyanvapi Dispute

The righting of historical wrongs prevents the past from compromising the future

America After Roe vs Wade

Conservative judges have inflamed the culture war by scrapping the constitutional right to abortion

Fifty Shades Of Khaki

The real reason Pakistan banned Hamoodur Rehman’s report on the 1971 war

Syed Mahmood: Justice Courage

Syed Mahmood’s legacy as colonial India’s dissenting judge

China’s India Complex

The model that frightens Beijing the most

Gandhi, the Father

A shared vein of political reflection makes the letters to his son Devadas special

Why BJP Wins the Poor

It learned from the European experience that status war matters more than class war


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