

Morals and Metahumans

What India’s youth need to master to stay on top

Redeemer Unsung

How Sita Ram Goel identified the threats to Sanatana Dharma

Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall

Trump and Harris spare no trick to catch the last voter

Elected Emperor

Arvind Kejriwal had the keys to the Delhi treasury with no one empowered to question him how he spent the manna

Who’s the Senior Partner?

The SP does not deny that the alliance with Congress cemented support of Muslim and other anti-BJP voters, but clearly has its views on who is the senior partner

Death, We Know Where Is Thy Sting

Nietzsche went too far. God, being omnipotent, had the last laugh

Why Britain Is Broke

Spoils of colonial plunder do not last forever

India Gets the Blues

The women’s cricket team needs to introspect after its early World Cup exit

Noel Tata: The Custodian

Noel Tata will lead Tata Trusts by consensus but with the firmness of both strategic focus and empathy

Smart Economics

The world should target China but do no self-harm


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