
Book Reviews

A Manifesto for AI Users

Ullekh NP

Is Artificial Intelligence changing what it means to be human?

Like Being Alive Twice /
Like Being Alive Twice
Dharini Bhaskar
What Ifs

A dystopian novel that moves between fate and possibility

Choice /
Neel Mukherjee
States of Unrest

Neel Mukherjee’s new novel is a quarrel with capitalism. The author speaks about choices made and those deferred

Postcards from the Peripheries /
Postcards from the Peripheries
Sumana Roy
In Praise of the Provincial

Why those from small towns, whether it is William Shakespeare or DH Lawrence, are the equal of their more urban peers

Banned: A Social Media Trial /
Banned: A Social Media Trial
Boria Majumdar
Why I Don’t Look Back in Anger

Author and sports journalist Boria Majumdar in his memoir relives how he survived a ban on him and the social media trial that followed. Here is his side of the story

Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder /
Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder
Salman Rushdie
The Wounded Happiness of Salman Rushdie

What it takes to be a writer in the time of hate. Rushdie returns to that August morning in 2022 when he almost died under the knife of a man inspired by the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s death decree against the author

How We Vote: The Factors That Influence Voters /
How We Vote: The Factors That Influence Voters
Surjit S Bhalla and Abhinav Motheram
Minority Report: How Muslim’s Fare in Modi’s India

Muslims in Modi’s India are doing better than Blacks in the US

The Gentleman from Peru /
The Gentleman from Peru
André Aciman
Past Continuous

Of incomplete lives and eternal love

Before I Forget /
Before I Forget
MK Raina
‘Theatre Is Questions. Theatre Is Debate’

In his memoir actor and director MK Raina recounts using theatre to heal


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